
Online Teaching

Welcome to the exciting world of online learning! Whether you are teaching online for the first time, developing a new online degree or program, or are a veteran online educator, we hope you will find these resources useful for navigating the online course development and teaching process at 新加坡六合彩开奖记录.

Types of Online Courses at 新加坡六合彩开奖记录

新加坡六合彩开奖记录 offers several types of online courses. can be found in the bulletin under the School of Distance Education.

  • Interactive online. Most online courses at 新加坡六合彩开奖记录 fit in this category. The teacher and the student(s) are not in the same physical space. The course may be fully asychronous (with weekly deadlines), include some synchronous teaching (usually via Zoom), or may be offered primarily synchronously (via Zoom). 
  • Blended. Blended courses typically reduce the face to face time required for the credit hour and move some of that time into an interactive online format.
  • Self-paced. These asynchronous online courses allow a student to register at anytime and complete within 180 days. They are offered as a service to guest students. They typically aren't available to U.S. residents in online or on-campus degrees. 
  • Dual synchronous format. This type of online course is actually a combination of interactive online and face to face courses. Synchronous teaching (via Zoom) is offered to students in the same location as the teacher (face to face) as well as students who are not in the same physical space. Zoom is used to connect the interactive online students to the face to face students. Two sections are offered, one for face to face and one for interactive online; and they are cross-listed to provide for one joint space in LearningHub.

2020 note: Due to COVID-19, 新加坡六合彩开奖记录 is also offering remote teaching; however it is NOT considered online teaching because these courses have not gone through the online course approval process at 新加坡六合彩开奖记录; are prepared under less than ideal circumstances; and may or may not meet the 新加坡六合彩开奖记录 Standards for Teaching Online.

Services We Provide

Every interactive online course at 新加坡六合彩开奖记录 is assigned an Instructional Facilitator (see below) to provide these services. In addition, members of the instructional design team provide additional support to faculty teaching online. The services include: 

  • Instructional design
  • Advice on various ways to convert face to face courses to an online course format
  • LearningHub support
  • Assistance with formatting materials for the online delivery (written content, audio, video, etc.)

Course Development Handbooks

Syllabus Support

  • 新加坡六合彩开奖记录 Syllabus Template: Login to Vault; go to iVue, click Manage Syllabi, download the template for your course
  • Faculty Directed Credit Hour Worksheet (with thanks to National Louis University)

Online Course Reviews

  • : For Self-Reviews, Peer Reviews, and External Reviews

Online Course Development Team

To arrange for support, please contact Amy Spears, DLiT Director, at

Janine Lim, Associate Dean, Online Higher Education

Amy Spears, DLiT Director

Lileen Coulloudon, Online Quality Assurance Specialist

Michael Gayle, Curriculum and Learning Design Specialist

Sheralee Thomas, Instructional Designer